July 2024 - Features

We've been pretty busy since our last feature update in April!

This last quarter we have introduced a ton of new features and improvements. See for yourself:

Assistant response streaming [documentation]

AI models are getting faster and faster all the time. But they can still feel slow to users compared to traditional bot interactions. To make your AI assistants seem to respond quicker, you can enable "streaming" mode which will send each character to the chat window as it is generated. 

Assistant File Uploads

Users can upload files to assistants, including images and other kinds of documents, and the assistant will be provided with a URL to the uploaded file. This allows you to add file management and image and document analysis capabilities to your assistants, using a custom Flow tool or the following custom tools designed to work with files:

  • Query Image Tool - this assistant tool can analyze an image and answer a question about it. 
  • Query File Tool - this assistant tool can read and understand the contents of an uploaded document such as PDF, as well as files hosted on the internet

Image Understanding & Analysis [documentation]

A new action has been added to the AI toolbox that you can use in flows - Analyze Images. This flow task can take one or more URLs to a valid images and, given a prompt, perform analysis or generation tasks based on the contents of the image. For example, you can have the AI provide you a summary of the contents of an image, or compare two images and describe the differences.

Menu Improvements - Bot "Main Menus" and "Linked Menus" [documentation]

Bot Menus - You can now associate a pre-defined menu with a specific bot. This allows you to replace (or augment) the welcome message of a bot with a menu of initial options. This configuration will also automatically show the main menu when the user enters input the bot isn't able to handle.
Linked Menus - You may now add entire menus as "sub-menus" of another menu. This allows you to create a set of standard sub-menus that can be shared between several top level menus, preventing you from having to duplicate menu items in multiple places.

Automatic Voice Transcription [documentation]

You can enable automatic voice transcription so that any audio sent to your bot by your user will automatically be translated into a text message your bot logic or assistant can understand as if they had typed the message. 

Telegram Groups - New Events & Tasks

New top level triggers have been added to the Telegram Actions suite of tools that can allow you to easily react to group membership changes, making it much easier to create membership management bots. Additionally, new tools have been added to Telegram Actions to support group management such as accepting group join requests, changing user permissions, etc. Additionally you can now respond to Telegram Game callback requests via a specialized trigger and action in Telegram Actions.

Contact Import [documentation]

Import lists of leads into Flow XO from CSV files inside the user interface, and automatically add them to one or more segments. This makes it easy to initiate outbound messaging campaigns for channels that support it, such as WhatsApp and SMS.

Telegram Stars

Flow XO natively supports the Telegram Starts currency type in invoices.

Support for Launching Web Apps from Telegram Keyboards

It is now possible to launch mini-apps easily using Telegram Keyboards using Telegram Actions

Flow Variables [documentation]

We have added a powerful new way to manage data specific to a single flow

New User Fields

We have added email, company, phone number, country and external ID as fields directly on user records. You can update these values from the Flow XO Utilities package (User - Update) 

Additionally, we added a new task to Flow XO - Utilties - "User - Lookup" that allows you to find a user by email address, phone number or external ID in addition to response path. This makes is much easier to integrate flows with external systems that may not know the response path of your users.

Google Calendar Integration Upgrades - Availability [video training]

We added a feature to the Google Calendar integration (and Office 365 Integration) to retrieve availability data, making it easy to build AI assistants that can schedule calls with your users during open time-slots. We also made it possible to automatically generate Google Meet conferences from your bots using this integration.

Knowledge Base Metadata Fields

When creating data sources for your knowledge bases, you can now associate "metadata" fields which will be attached to each document and can be used inside of Flows to filter search results. This enables you, for instance, to host multiple clients data in a single knowledge base and retrieve only the data for a particular client from your workflows.

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