Voice Assistants

In addition to text based interactions, your Flow XO assistants can also understand to voice commands, and respond to users using AI generated audio using a variety of predefined voices.

To configure voice assistants, you simply need to:

  1.  Enable automatic voice transcription in your account settings
  2. Configure your assistant to automatically convert its text output to voice using text to speech.

Enable Automatic Voice Transcription

Navigate to your account profile, and enable automatic voice transcription:

Configure Voice Responses in your Assistant Settings

From the "edit" page of the assistant you want to enable voice responses, select a voice response option:

There are three different strategies your assistant can use to provide voice responses:

  • When the last user message was audio - this is the recommended strategy. This will cause the assistant to convert text outputs to a voice message whenever the input from the user was also sent via audio
  • For every message - this setting will cause the assistant to generate a voice response for all of its messages to the user, regardless of whether the input was text or voice
  • None - this setting will prevent your assistant from generating voice responses automatically

Finally, if you want, you can change the voice that your assistant speaks with. You can hear samples of the different voices here.

That's all there is to it! Happy flowing!

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