Basecamp 2

Basecamp 2 is a project management and collaboration platform. Basecamp offers to-do lists, wiki-style web-based text documents, milestone management, file sharing, time tracking, and a messaging system.

Our integration is with Basecamp 2, unfortunately we don't support Basecamp Classic or Basecamp 3.

From Basecamp, you can trigger a Flow XO flow on:

  • New Project
  • New Todo List
  • New Todo Item
  • New Event
  • New Calendar Event 

You can configure the following actions in your Flow XO flow:

  • Add, Update, Get and Delete a Project
  • Add, Update, Get and Delete a Todo List
  • Add, Update, Get and Delete a Todo Item
  • Add, Update, Get and Delete a Calendar Event
  • Add a Message

Connecting Your Account

Authorization is simple with Basecamp - when selecting the service in Flow XO, if you're not already signed in, you'll be asked to do so (in a new window) with with your normal Basecamp username and password, and be asked to click 'Yes, I'll allow access'. That's it! Your account will be now be connected.


Any question on using this service we haven't answered? Contact us!

Known Issues

  • You should be aware that the New Calendar Event trigger is limited to having up to 250 events in your account at any one time, and will only track future-dated events.
  • Our integration is not compatible with Basecamp Classic or Basecamp 3.

Let us know how we can improve Flow XO on our feedback site.

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