Phoenix Chat Integration

This article is about how to interact with Flow XO Live Chat v2 (Phoenix Chat) from within the Flow XO bot builder. For usage and configuration information on Flow XO Live Chat v2 itself, see here:

Flow XO Live Chat v2 Integration

Flow XO LIve Chat v2 is a completely separate application, with a separate login, from Flow XO. However, it is integrated in such a way that once your account is configured to use Flow XO Live Chat v2, it is not necessary to take any additional actions from within Flow XO other than to invite your agents and manage your chats from the new interface. This is because live chats created using the existing Live Chat actions will automatically create chat sessions for Flow XO Live Chat v2 without any further intervention.

However, we also provide a specialized Phoenix Chat integration in case you want to do any of the following:

  • Assign a live chat to a particular team, or team member, from within your flows based on flow logic
  • Retrieve Phoenix Chat contact information for a chat user, such as tags, custom fields, etc.
  • Set contact information for a chat user, such as adding tags or custom fields.

The Phoenix Chat integration can be found under "Other Services" in the Flow XO Action dialog. Once you add it, you have the following actions available to you:

  • Start Live Chat - begin a new Phoenix live chat session within a specific Flow XO Phoenix team, and optionally assign the chat to a specific agent
  • Complete LIve Chat - end a Phoenix live chat session, with an optional resolution not
  • Get Contact - retrieve the contact record for a chat user from a Flow XO flow. This will fetch the basic contact information such as name, email, phone number and notes, as well as any previously set custom fields or tags.
  • Update Contact - update the contact associated with the current Flow XO chat user in Phoenix chat, to set basic fields such as email, phone number and notes, as well as custom fields and adding or removing tags.

Start Live Chat

The "Start Live Chat" task from the Phoenix Chat integration can be used in place of the standard "Start Live Chat". Starting a live chat for Phoenix Chat is nearly identical to starting a regular live chat, except that you have the opportunity to choose the Team and optional Team Member that the live chat will be assigned to. If a LIve Chat is started using this task, and a Team Member is selected, this setting will override any auto-assignment rules you may have configured for the team inside the Flow XO Phoenix UI.

Complete Live Chat

Complete Live Chat from the Phoenix Chat integration is exactly like the Stop Live Chat action in the standard tools, except that you can provide a specific resolution (Completed or Cancelled) as well as a resolution note that is free text. Using this task is not necessary if the live chats are always terminated by the agents inside of the Phoenix Chat UI.

Get Contact

Get Contact does not have any settings, and simply retrieves the contact information for the current user from Flow XO Phoenix. The data fields returned are the same fields that you can set in the Update Contact task (see below)

Update Contact

The Update Contact action will modify the contact record in Phoenix Chat. You can change the name, email and phone number of the user along with any notes.

Additionally, you can add or remove tags from the contact, as well as setting custom data fields.

You also have the ability to change the status of the contact. 

Please remember these features are in beta, so we welcome bug reports and feedback! Please let us know at

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