Managing Sub Accounts via API

Flow XO allows users on an Agency plan to create and manage sub-accounts via our API.

The following sub-account management functions are available:

1. Creating a sub account
2. Adding users to a sub-account
3. Listing sub-accounts
4. Listing details/usage for a single sub-account
5. Adding a team member to a sub-account
6. Fetching team-members associated with a sub-account


You must authorize all calls to the Flow XO API using your API key and an authorization header. Details can be found here:


To use the Flow XO API, you will need to send HTTP requests to the following endpoint. The last part of the URL will depend on the method you are calling, but the base address is:

Sub Accounts

Creating a new sub-account

You can add a sub-account to your agency account by issuing a POST request:


With the following payload:

  "company_name":"Your Customer Company Name",
  "given_name":"Your primary contact first name",
  "family_name":"Your primary contact last name",
The result will look like this:
    "account": {
        "_id": "xxx",
        "api_key": "eyJhbGciOiJ...Szg7X2tzVLFJSeMDSY",
        "parent_account": "yyy",
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "company_name": "Your Customer Company Name",
        "email": "",
        "created_at": "2021-11-12T00:47:42.754Z",
        "usage": {
            "rateable_workflows_count": 0,
            "rateable_bots_count": 0,
            "rateable_items_count": 0,
            "rateable_items_limit": 15,
            "rateable_items_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_users_count": 0,
            "rateable_users_limit": 5,
            "rateable_users_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_count": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_count": 0,
            "rateable_runs_limit": 5000,
            "rateable_runs_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_count_all_time": 0,
            "rateable_runs_history": [],
            "rateable_runs_test_limit": 100,
            "rateable_runs_test_count": 0,
            "rateable_runs_test_last_used": 1636677705849,
            "rateable_runs_limit_started_at": "2021-11-12T00:47:42.754Z",
            "rateable_runs_limit_reset_at": "2021-12-12T00:47:42.754Z"
    "teamMembers": [
            "_id": "zzz",
            "email": "",
            "given_name": "Your primary contact first name",
            "family_name": "Your primary contact last name",
            "login_attempts": 0,
            "role": "Client",
            "token": "eyJhbGciOiJ...3MqQ2HnSRYbDmkfD6AULD-xSrs",
            "account": "618db9aea657230949c99ea3"

Most of the returned fields are self explanatory, however there are two that are of particular interest:

1. account.api_key : This is the API key of the sub-account. You can use this to access the API on behalf of the sub account.
2. teamMember.token :  This is the authorization token for the primary team member that is always added along with a sub-account. You can use this token to embed live chat in your back office, and also to call the Flow XO API on behalf of that sub-account team member, for example to access conversation history or analytics.

Listing Sub-Accounts

You can list all sub-accounts by issuing a GET request:


The result will look like this:

        "_id": "xxx",
        "api_key": "eyJhbGc...cvxurW0OZY8EyC0",
        "parent_account": "xxx",
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "company_name": "Company 2",
        "email": "",
        "created_at": "2021-11-05T16:04:12.806Z",
        "usage": {
            "rateable_workflows_count": 1,
            "rateable_bots_count": 0,
            "rateable_items_count": 1,
            "rateable_items_limit": 15,
            "rateable_items_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_users_count": 0,
            "rateable_users_limit": 5,
            "rateable_users_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_count": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_test_limit": 100,
            "rateable_runs_test_count": 0,
            "rateable_runs_test_last_used": 1636676652683
        "_id": "yyy",
        "api_key": "eyJhbGciOiJIUz...TBjA_NDE",
        "parent_account": "zzz",
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "company_name": "Beep Beep",
        "email": "",
        "created_at": "2021-11-05T16:06:40.650Z",
        "usage": {
            "rateable_workflows_count": 0,
            "rateable_bots_count": 0,
            "rateable_items_count": 0,
            "rateable_items_limit": 15,
            "rateable_items_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_users_count": 1,
            "rateable_users_limit": 5,
            "rateable_users_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_count": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_test_limit": 100,
            "rateable_runs_test_count": 0,
            "rateable_runs_test_last_used": 1636588761646

This results in a list of all the sub-accounts associated with your agency.

Listing a single sub-account

You can retrieve the data of a single sub-account by issuing a GET request:


The result will look like this:

        "_id": "yyy",
        "api_key": "eyJhbGciOiJIUz...TBjA_NDE",
        "parent_account": "zzz",
        "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
        "company_name": "Beep Beep",
        "email": "",
        "created_at": "2021-11-05T16:06:40.650Z",
        "usage": {
            "rateable_workflows_count": 0,
            "rateable_bots_count": 0,
            "rateable_items_count": 0,
            "rateable_items_limit": 15,
            "rateable_items_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_users_count": 1,
            "rateable_users_limit": 5,
            "rateable_users_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_count": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit": 0,
            "rateable_sub_accounts_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_limit_bonus": 0,
            "rateable_runs_test_limit": 100,
            "rateable_runs_test_count": 0,
            "rateable_runs_test_last_used": 1636588761646

Listing team members in a sub-account

You can retrieve the team members associated with a sub account with a GET request


The result will look like this:

        "_id": "xxx",
        "email": "",
        "given_name": "first name",
        "family_name": "laast name",
        "login_attempts": 0,
        "role": "Client",
        "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiI...lZGcD8L_2Z6eMvDCHdh-B59enB1U",
        "account": "6185569056534072bf0fa37a"

Note the 'token' field where you can get the authorization token you will need to embed live chat or access the API on behalf of each sub-account team member.

Adding a team-member to a sub-account

You can add a team member to any sub-account to your agency account by issuing a POST request:


With the following payload:


The result will look like this:

    "_id": "xxx",
    "email": "",
    "given_name": "First",
    "family_name": "Last",
    "login_attempts": 0,
    "role": "Client",
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUz...DRq6Eda8ONBp1Rz8Z9F1tftXejriFEss",
    "account": "618565404d5801829f10f5f9"

That's It for now!

We will add more API calls in the future to remove sub-accounts or update them, but these should be enough to get started with a fully developed agency account. Let us know if you have questions/feedback on this API at

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