
Wufoo is an online form builder. Its intuitive form designer can help you create contact forms, online surveys and invitations so you can collect the data, registrations and payments you need.

Integration with Flow XO is simple - you'll want to monitor new submissions to your forms (Wufoo calls them 'entries'), and trigger flows using the info that was submitted on the form.

Therefore, there's only one trigger for Wufoo:

  • New Entry

Connecting Your Account

The first time you use Wufoo in a flow, you'll be asked to connect your account.  To do this, you'll need your Wufoo API key, along with the domain that you access Wufoo through.

To get your API key in Wufoo, you need to navigate to the specific form (go to the 'Forms' tab, then click 'Share' on a form. You'll then see an 'API Information' button in the top right):

save image

save image

save image

Your Wufoo domain is part of the URL you access Wufoo through.  For example, if you access your wufoo account at "http://example.wufoo.com" then your domain would be "example".


How are custom fields given as outputs - for instance how is '5 Stars' given as an output from the form submission into Flow XO?

We've tried to take the simplest approach with our outputs - so you'll find that a visual input like '5 Stars' translates to an output of '5', and anywhere you can give multiple selections - like 'Tick all of the following that apply' - will give you a comma separated list of answers, such as 'Option1, Option3'. Text submissions - including Yes / No - will always output as a text string.

What happens if I use the 'File' upload as a Wufoo input?

Flow XO doesn't currently support the processing of files, such as MP3, DOC or RAW - but we'll return a URL as an output to where the file is hosted online, so you can use the URL in your flow to reference the hosted file's location. This might be useful if you'd like to pass the file's URL into your CRM so that it's clickable to retrieve the file on the client's record.

Do I get form meta data returned as an output to use in my flow?

Yes - this will be returned at the head of the data fields that are in your form as outputs. You'll have five additional outputs: Entry ID, Date Created, Created By, Last Updated and Updated By.

Any question on using this service we haven't answered? Contact us!

Known Issues

We don't have any known issues at the moment - everything should work just fine :)

Let us know how we can improve Flow XO on our feedback site.

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