Capsule CRM v2

Capsule is a popular CRM application that helps you to manage all your relationships with leads, customers and vendors, administer your sales pipeline and organize your emails. This article refers to integration using Capsule CRM API v2 which supersedes v1. v1 of the API was retired by Capsule.

To integrate your other apps with Capsule, you'll need to set up a Flow XO trigger directly in your account to 'poll' (look for) new information, rather than configure something inside your Capsule account in advance. 

The supported triggers are:

  • New Case
  • New Opportunity
  • New Organization
  • New Person
  • New Task

The tasks you build into your flow are:

  • Search an Organisation
  • Search a Person
  • Add, Update, Get or Delete a Case
  • Add, Update, Get or Delete an Opportunity
  • Add, Update, Get or Delete an Organization
  • Add, Update, Get or Delete a Person
  • Add, Update, Get, Delete or Complete a Task
  • Add a Tag
  • Add a Note

Connecting Your Account

Choose Capsule v2 as a service and select a Trigger. (or select Capsule v2 as a service and select the action you wish to add). Authorize Flow XO to connect to your Capsule account by clicking [Authorize]. A new window will open. (You may be asked to log in using your Capsule credentials) otherwise just enter your site address and click [Continue].

Select [Allow] on the next screen. You should then see that your Capsule account is authorized.

Click 'Next' to continue configuring your Flow XO flow. You may want to change the friendly name first.


What is a 'Party', an 'ID' and an 'Object'?

'Party' is a collective term in Capsule for 'People' and 'Organisation' objects. An 'Object' is any individual record of data - again a person, an organisation, a task, a tag - anything. An 'ID' is a unique reference for every object in your account - for instance even though you might have 2 people named 'David', they will each have different IDs.

I don't have an ID to give to the 'ID' field - how do I get one?

Every person, organisation, case or anything else in your apps will usually have an 'ID' associated with it, which is a unique way of identifying that 'object'. You could go to your app and hunt this down - you'll usually find it in the address bar when you view e.g., a Capsule person: - but a static ID isn't much use in a flow that we might run hundreds of times a day. Just like the name of the record, or the relevant email address, we'll want to ensure we have the ID we need to run our flow as an output which we can use - to just drag in from the right - which will always be the relevant ID for the record being processed. 

How are opportunities related to other other objects in Capsule?

Relationships are pretty straightforward in Capsule. 'People', your day to day contacts, belong to 'Organisations' - so when you create a person, you can optionally choose which organisation they belong to. In Flow XO, when you 'Add a Person', you'll be given the the option to specify an organisation by name, or give the organisation's 'Party ID' that specifies the desired organisation (as per image below). So taking into account the need for a party ID that relates to the organisation, I might like to 'Add an Organisation' as a flow task higher up in my flow, so that I can just drag and drop it here.

If I want to create a new organisation at the same time, I can do that by giving a name either as text or an output to 'Organisation Name' - if no match is found, a new organisation will be created. 

In the same way, opportunities, cases and (as we've seen) tasks may be linked to people or organisations.

Any question on using this service we haven't answered Contact us!

Known Issues

  • Capsule migrated from API v1 to their improved API v2. This integration now uses Capsule's API v2 so if you were using v1 and had connected Flow XO's capsule service you will now need to reconnect your account where you'll now see Capsule v2.
  • If you previously used v1 of the Capsule API, you may note that our interaction logs looked slightly different. For instance, you'd see user 'John Smith' rather than user '82654'. This was the same for milestones or tags too. v2 of the API currently logs interactions using an 'id'.
  • v2 doesn't offer 'Repeat' or 'Repeat basis' as an option for opportunity -
  • 'Datatags' are not currently supported as custom fields.

Let us know how we can improve Flow XO on our feedback site.

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