Users Section
The Users section gives you access to all of the user data that is collected through your chatbots, including any attributes data that you have collected through your flows. You can filter data via date and bots, and if your account allows it, you can download to CSV format.
Through the Users dashboard you can see an overview of all your users, which bots they are applicable to, when they were first active, when they were last active, and their status (if they are successfully receiving messages through the bot). You can use the Details button to view more granular data about a specific user.
Filter the content of the dashboard using the dropdown buttons at the top of the screen. If your account allows it, hitting the 'Export' button will download any filtered information as a CSV file, that can then be used in other spreadsheet software.
From the User Details panel, you can perform several useful actions:
- View interactions - Navigate to the 'Interaction Log' tab, filtered to this user
- Open in Live Chat - Navigate to the Live That tab, filtered to this user
- Copy response path - Copy the response path of this user to the clipboard. The Response path is how Flow XO uniquely identifies a given user for a given bot connection and can be used to send messages to specific users in a flow, even if the flow was triggered outside of a messaging context such as a Webhook.
- Clear open questions - If the user is blocked from receiving messages because they have an unanswered question pending, this command can clear any open questions and free the channel up for new messages to be sent
- Clear attributes - Permanently remove any custom attributes stored for this user. This is a destructive operation, so make sure you really want to do this.
- Make active/unreachable - Toggle the availability of this user. If the user is currently unreachable, this command will place them active. If they are currently active, this command will make them unreachable, and they will not receive messages in broadcasts.
- Ban/Unban - Toggle whether or not a users messages to your bot are processed or ignored. When banned, their messages will not trigger any flows. Note, you can also ban/unban users in a flow using our Utilities action.
Banning Users
There are times where you have users that you want to prevent from interacting with your bots. Either because they are spamming the bot, or they simply aren't authorized to be there. In that case you can ban users either through the user interface, or through the Flow XO Utilities action. You can also unban a user if you change your mind. Banned users cannot triggers flows or menus, and their messages will be ignored. They will also not receive broadcasts. If you send a banned user a direct message, however, via their response path, the message will be delivered. Also any flows they are currently executing will finish.
CSV File
Once downloaded, the CSV file comprises of the following columns:
- BotPlatform - This is the platform of the bot that you set up originally e.g. Facebook messenger, Web, Twilio SMS etc. If a user is active on more than one bot they are considered to be a different user.
- BotPlatformID - The ID of the BotPlatform (above)
- BotName - This is what you called your bot in Flow XO.
- BotID - The ID of the bot in Flow XO.
- ResponsePath - This is the unique ID assigned to the user in Flow XO. If you ever need to find out any information about any particular user you can do so using the ResponsePath.
- UserID - The specific ID used by the bot platform.
- Status - The status of the user from the last message sent to them. Bounced means the last message sent was not received by the user. Inactive is if this continues to occur 24hrs after.
- FirstName - The user's first name (if it is collected by the bot platform).
- LastName - The user's last name (if it is collected by the bot platform).
- UserHandle - The username of the user (if it is collected by the bot platform).
- UserGender - The gender of the user (if it is collected by the bot platform, ie Facebook)
- FirstActive - The ISO Date format of when the user first interacted with the chatbot.
- FirstActiveDate - The date the user was first active with the chatbot.
- FirstActiveTime - The time of day the user was first active with the chatbot.
- LastActive - The ISO Date format of when the user last interacted with the chatbot.
- LastActiveDate - The date the user was last active with the chatbot.
- LastActiveTime - The time of day the user was last active with the chatbot.
- In addition, attributes may also be included in the file, one column per attribute. Only the attributes that are relevant to the users in the file are included.