
You can use templates to easily set up flows for common use cases, such as broadcasting updates or letting users make applications through your bots.

Using a Template

When you create a new flow, you'll first see a step where you can choose to create a blank flow, or install one of our templates. Simply click on the template you need, and you'll be able to start editing it.

How to Customize

Most templates are straightforward and you simply need to edit the trigger and each action and customise as you go.

However, we've added some notes below about some of our templates to help you to customise them.

Apply, Book & Buy Templates

These will need further work to make them usable in a real bot, but should give you an idea of how to start.

You'll see an action called Send to your email or helpdesk. You should edit this and add the email address where you want the user's details to be sent.

The following video explains how to create a chatbot using the Book template:

Find Location

This template makes use of the Google Places API to search for the nearest branch/location of your business.

You need to edit the action called Keep the settings all in one place and replace the API key with your Google Places API Key, and replace the keyword with the place name you want to search on.

News Feed

This flow is set up to watch for new items on the BBC World News RSS Feed when you first install it.

You should edit the trigger and replace the BBC feed URL with your own.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

You need to replace the dummy questions with real questions. Look at the way the trigger and actions are set up to understand how the flow is structured.

The following video explains how to create a chatbot using the FAQ template:

Message a Human

You'll see an action called Send to your email or helpdesk. You should edit this and add the email address that you want the user's question to be sent to.

Replying to the question you receive by email will route the answer back to the bot.

You can also create a 'human takeover' type feature by following our human takeover tutorial and using the included shared flow.

Welcome & Help

You'll need to at least add some info about what the bot can do to the last action, and also swap the dummy shortcuts for real ones.

Let us know how we can improve Flow XO on our feedback site.

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